Breed Family Association
1999 Annual Meeting

May 4, 1999

Nota Bene: Please copy this letter and send it to your family and give us their names and addresses.

We can guide you around Lynn and area of which Allen Breed was one of the founders in 1629-1630.

Allen Breed was also a founder of Southampton in Long Island, NY, the oldest English settlement in New York state and a co-owner of the boat which went down to Southampton from Lynn 4 times a year with supplies.  Our family led the parade for the 350th anniversary of Southampton in 1990, riding in a 1937 Packard Phaeton.

The Annual meeting of the Breed Family Association will be held on Friday, June 11th at 6:00 m. at the Lynn Museum (Lynn Historical Society), located at 125 Green Street, off Broad Street in Lynn (Route 1A).  Jim's store is at the corner of Broad and Green streets.  There will be a buffet supper at 6:00 p.m., followed by a short business meeting, then a historical review of our Breed Family descendancy from the Kings of England pursued by the Smith Family and a discussion of the strong influence of the Quakers (Society of Friends) in building and developing the city of Lynn.  Then the meeting will be open to visiting members for other matters of interest that each may want to discuss.  The Lynn Museum will be open for tours of the current exhibits and sociability.  Another important issue to be discussed is how the Breed Family will celebrate the millennium!!!

The Lynn Historical Museum is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for research Monday through Friday and for tours of the exhibits from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.  In addition, the Lynn Heritage State Park Building and Harbor and Marina exhibits are located nearby and have marvelous exhibits on the shoe industry and the General Electric Company as well as historical murals near Lynn Harbor.  Everywhere is Breed history . . . Breed's Dam, Breed's Pond (Lynn Water Supply and Treatment plant), Breed School, Breed Field, Breed Square, Breed's End, Breed Street, Breed Terrace, Breed Place, and a short distance to Breed's Island and Breed's Square in East Boston and Breed Street in Revere, followed in Charlston by Breed's Hill where the Ordinance Man Gridley said Bunker Hill is too far away from the Boston Harbor and the British ships "Put your ramparts here and fortify Breed's Hill", where the battle was fought!!!   The monument is on Breed's Hill in honor of those minute men who stood up to the British and went on to Freedom and the Declaration of Independence!!

Sagamore Hill in Lynn is where the Indians from Main to Rhode Island came to camp out and enjoy Massachusetts Bay and safe beaches with no drop off or undertow.

On Saturday, June 12th, the Annual U.S.S. Constitution turnaround in Boston Harbor will take place in the morning.  At 5:00 p.m. the Annual Mummer's Band Concert will take place at the monument.  On Sunday, June 13th, at 12:30 p.m. a massive annual Bunker Hill Day Parade will take place.  On Thursday, June 17th at 9:00 a.m. the annual Ecumenical Service at St. Francis de Sales Church followed by Commemorative services at the Bunker (Breed's) Hill Monument will take place - well worth attending to see Minute Men complete with fife and drums, muskets, flintlocks and cannons.

Genealogical questions may be addressed to Mrs. Marcie Wiswall Lindberg, 20 Mid Iron Drive, North Reading, MA 01864.  Telephone 978-664-9942.  All other questions can be directed to Robert Thomson Breed, Secretary, 54 Nahant Street, Lynn, MA 01902.   Telephone 781-593-2210.  Annual dues is $5.00 or lifetime dues are $35.00.

Hosting committee:  Mrs. Edwin T. (Aborn) Breed, Lydia Newhall Breed, Joan McBrien, Joan Hill Breed, Richard and Jerrilyn Drown, William and Kathryn Breed.  All other volunteers are very welcome.  We are grateful to the Lynn Museum Associates.   Reservations may be made at the Diamond District Bed and Breakfast, 142 Ocean Street in Lynn, telephone 781-599-5122 or Captain Jack's Waterfront Inn located at 253 Humphrey Street, Swampscott, MA, telephone 781-595-7910.

Hope to see a good many of you this year!!

Robert Thomson Breed, MD